A Foundation of Truthfulness

The Alethes Legacy Group is based in South Africa and was founded by Riaan  Deventer.

Their passion for life and love for people inspired them to develop a platform to continue excellence of service and impacting the lives of those around them.

The word ‘Alethes (al-ay-thace)’ refers to being constant and upright.  It also refers to being sincere, real, reliable, genuine, authentic, truthful and trustworthy.

When you leave a legacy, it is more important for people to remember the characteristics that birthed and developed the legacy than the actual legacy that was left; this way you can help others to leave their own legacy.

Who We Are

We at Alethes Legacy are a family; a continuum or “progression” of discovering that which ultimately brings purpose, hope and unity.  The core of our being is to have function, to fulfill our destiny and together we strengthen that which makes each of us unique.  We sojourn and hence we feel that this temporary journey is based upon decisions that one makes along the path of opportunity.

When we as people hear or read about the lives others are living, we often desire to have some of those aspects in our own lives, but seldom think about the road that needed to be traveled to reach that place. In fact most times we desire the results, but are not willing to undergo the journey. The truth is that there are still people, who have traveled difficult roads and learned things the hard way, who desire for your journey to have less bumps.

This journey is not a race that solely focuses on how you make it to the finish line, but it is also about how many others you can help along the way to reach their destinies.

We develop people.  Alethes Legacy creates opportunities for people to be profitable and live fulfilled lives.

Join us and leave your inspiring legacy behind! The legacy you leave behind, will determine your future for eternity. Your success depends on your ability to learn, relearn & unlearn and then pass on what you have learned.

We invite you to join us in this race of life. Run this race with us and let’s finish strong.

We believe in you. You can do it!

Life is a choice.  Choose life & live it on purpose.

Meet the Team

Riaan Deventer

Riaan Deventer

Managing Board Member & Founder

Riaan was born in the Cape Province of South Africa as the youngest of four children.

After a business degree & 7 years experience in franchising & IT, Riaan turned to training upcoming business persons in business & people skills.  For more than 20 years he has enjoyed helping others on their way to a better life.

For Riaan, it has become a way of life to mentor in spiritual matters, personal health & fitness, family life, people skills, personal finances, leadership, business management, property investing, financing and also risk management.

Riaan is the CEO & Founder of the Alethes Legacy Group of Companies. He has the ability to plan ahead, stay focused and execute his plan with discipline. It is with this ability that he has contributed to the growth of the companies within the Alethes Legacy Group.

He does not enjoy seeing people suffer in their walk of life and it is with this in mind that the group is involved with organizations that focus on helping those in the community to get on their feet and grow members of the community into strong individuals.

Is life really worth living if not lived for others?